Will Elm programming language have a new official release before the end of 2024?
Dec 31
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predicts NO

I think Evan's core problem is that he refuses to work with other people. Sure, Elm is simple, but is it one-developer simple? Leo de Moura pulled a similar stunt with Lean 4, but he had a team supporting him, and we saw a steady stream of commits all through to release. I don't see anything like this with Elm.

@tfae Interesting, never heard of it. Is it mostly for mathematicians?

I have no clue about this market except I do know that Elm devs are super weird.

@wadu Are you also a dev?

predicts YES

@wadu Yeah I used to use Elm at my old job. It is a fucking tedious language to use

@wadu Yep, I won't argue, but it does have some good parts. Too bad that all messages must go through all the layers down 😐

predicts YES

@MrLuke255 Lol that part was fucking awful. And working with the JS sockets and decoders and all that bullshit

@wadu But function composition is nice, at least I like functional style :3