Will the orange paint at Stonehenge be cleaned up by July 1st 2024?
resolved Jun 20

On June 19th, "climate activists" spray painted the monument at Stonehenge, for some reason.


Will the paint be removed by Juy 1st? According to official report or media articles mentioning the restoration of the monument.

This seems likely, but as the story points out, the stone is ancient, has living organisms on it, and rapid removal could cause further damage.

If there are no official reports about the cleanup, post-June 19th images of a cleaned-up Stonehenge will suffice.

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This report does appear to be very clear and specific that the paint has been removed. They found a way, and noted that it was important to remove it before a rain.


BBC is reporting that the stones have been cleaned

This report does appear to be very specific. Freezing the market... thanks!

English Heritage said the orange paint had been removed using a "specialist handheld blower".

It told the BBC that if rain had come into contact with the powder, damage could have been significant.

The stones are covered in more than fifty different lichens, some of them rare. This meant brushing or washing the paint off was not possible.

An English Heritage spokesperson said: “We can’t understand why anyone who professes to care for the environment would attempt to harm such a monument and to distress people from all over the world, including those for whom Stonehenge holds a spiritual significance.”

How does this resolve if they repaint it before they finish getting the OG paint off?

if the climate activist manage to re-paint the monument, that sets the clock back on cleanup

and if they go with rainbow colors, might not get cleaned up before July...