Capitalism vs Socialism: Will Destiny beat Leo?
resolved Nov 5

Destiny and Leo will be debating live as part of DEBATECON 4 in Dallas, TX on Sunday, November 5th.

This market resolves to the winner of the debate as determined by a live vote of the in-person attendees.

The vote will be conducted as follows: Before the debate, the audience will be polled to see what percentage favor capitalism (Destiny) over socialism (Leo). After the debate, the same poll will be conducted again. The winner of the debate is whoever can shift the intial percentage in their favor.

Get in-person tickets to DEBATECON 4 in DALLAS, TX on Sunday, November 5th:

Or watch the event live from afar:

This event is hosted by Modern-Day Debate (MDD). Our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field.

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predicted YES

Let's go!

bought Ṁ238 of YES

I left the room before the end. Had I voted it would've made it closer to 93% or so

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@Anathema You should have taken a few more of the Destiny voters with you 😡

predicted NO

They need a much larger audience to make this work well. I wonder if they could supplement it with an online poll

predicted NO

Eh voting on online brigading isn't great either.

I thought a panel of judges was a good idea.

predicted YES

Has it concluded?

predicted YES

@Asseisse yes the market will be closed soon and winnings handed out

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Even though Destiny won the odds here of him winning were clearly way too high.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

@squirrelfish Sounds like they were too low then :P

predicted YES

predicted YES

Never doubt

predicted NO

oh my god from 89% to 90% 😂

predicted YES


bought Ṁ100 of NO

No one's changing their mind one something like this based on one debate. For example a capitalist Destiny fan could vote for Leo if they were asked if he performed better but a capitalist Destiny fan is extremely unlikely to say they suddenly favor socialism no matter how well Leo performs.

Weird way to try to measure who beats who. Personally I just bet on the probability of someone new coming in to the room, someone being distracted when the question was asked or some other similarly dumb thing.

bought Ṁ150 NO
predicted NO

@UFTG Agreed on all counts. It would make sense to me if you asked after "are you more or less in favor of capitalism than you were before the debate" or "do you think better arguments were made for capitalism or socialism".

But making it binary "do you prefer capitalism or socialism" means we're betting mostly on polling error.

sold Ṁ28 of NO

@ModernDayDebate As the Q&A is starting, maybe we could get another non-binding round of hand-raises from the audience to see if anyone's mind has changed so far? Would make the market a lot more exciting to see if there's been any movement so far.

predicted NO

My count at the start of the debate was 2 people for socialism, 12 for capitalism, so 14% vs 86%. If one more person raised their hand for socialism and nothing else changed, it would be 18% for socialism and socialism would win.

Is that all correct, or am I miscounting?

sold Ṁ0 of NO

@Joshua 16 v 2 from what i can tell

predicted NO

Ah, so it was 11% to 89%! That means you could add one hand to socialism, and 6 hands to capitalism, and it would then be 12% to 88%!

Destiny is the better debater here, obviously. Is he winning by a factor of 7 though?

sold Ṁ43 of NO

Also, I think Destiny has made a few good points in favor of socialism, particularly about the 40 hour work week! 😅

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Joshua That has nothing to to do with socialism...

predicted NO

True, but Leo is barely arguing for socialism himself! Maybe they should have just asked Destiny to play both sides. /s

predicted YES

@Joshua this 100%

bought Ṁ50 of NO

I hope this market closes before the results come out. No point rewarding those who trade faster there.

bought Ṁ200 of YES

Last time the stream cut off before the resolution poll of the audience. The market stayed open until close but it was still a surprise.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

@Joshua Surely the information leaked?

predicted NO

I'd expect the same, but didn't last night!

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@Joshua I wonder what the delay was. Surely some people in the audience were betting