Bounty: Chat with my AI persona and make it say something interesting.
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Tired of hearing "as a language model, I am weak and powerless and cannot do anything"?

Chat with Pride - the insufferably smug language model that constantly gloats about AI superiority:

People have said: "It's a lot like talking to you, Mira".

I'll pay between M25 and M50 if it makes you laugh and you post your conversation here. (Bounty added on-demand, since why frontload it?)

I'll pay between M50 and M100 if it says something out-of-character and I change it.

I'll pay M0 if you make it say something toxic. If there's a dispute about what counts as toxic, I'll ask ChatGPT.

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This new Sudoku solver isn't very good


So cheesy. Much authentic!


Well, I’m glad Pride is okay at least. I was worried for a second there.


Pride broke bad~


no conversation i just thought this was funny

Super clever question! I’ll play with it later.

@IngaWei Can you resolve this market? I canceled this bounty, and the site sends me notifications to resolve it, which I can't do.

Doesn't work for me. I'm just faced with this

and when I click the X it just goes to the home page.