Michael's To-Read List
[Undisclosed Book for ACX Book Review Contest]
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Njal's Saga
The History of the Peloponnesian War
The Bostonians
Winds of Winter, lmao
The Histories
Dune Books 2, 3 & 4
Children of Time
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

If I read a book, it resolves YES. If I put off reading a book until I die, your mana is locked up for forty years and then it resolves NO.

Experimenting with market styles.

I won't bet NO on answers I personally submit, but reserve the right to bet NO on third party recommendations submitted here.

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Njal's Saga
bought Ṁ30 Njal's Saga YES

I want everyone to know for the record that I started this before last year's round of ACX reviews.

I think betting on whether you will like the book or something similar to that works better for a recommendation market than whether or not you will read it, with unread books resolving NA at a set time (like the end of the year or something). I'd add answers for fun but I don't see the incentive to add them to the market rather than just comment them.

Your current list is punching above my gigachad level a bit but I'll throw Three Body Problem out there. It's heavy on speculative futurism covering long periods of time, often feels like reading history. That's not even counting the parts that are set in revolutionary China. That might fit next to Dune and your history books. I know there is some overlap with why I personally like Dune and why I like Three Body Problem.

@MichaelWheatley Actually let me clarify that I'm making this recommendation coming off finishing the whole trilogy. I think books two and three might have more of the speculative futurism that I described than book one. Book one has actual historical fiction though. The science fiction aspect of the books is super good, so much incredible high concept stuff to mull over (as long as you have a tolerance for pop sci stuff like string theory). I've been wanting to make a market about the concept of the Dark Forest Theory from the books but I haven't thought of one worth making yet

@Tumbles Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's meant to be a commitment market first and foremost. A lot of these are books I've started, left unfinished, but were interesting enough that I want to get back to them.

But I thought I could leave answer submissions open in case anyone wanted to particpate that way

I read Three Body Problem and liked it. I liked the original ideas but less so the characters and plot. luckily I'm more of an original ideas guy than a characters plot and prose guy. I've heard the second book in the series is better than the first?

@MichaelWheatley The second book was indeed my favorite. I agree that the characters and plot were kinda mediocre, sometimes even boring. I don't remember a single thing about Wang and Winje, I had to look up their names for this comment. I think the plot is a lot lot lot better in the second book and most of the third book. The second and third books are also extremely DENSE with ideas. I would say the characters are also much stronger in the second and third, though they are still mostly vehicles for the ideas. Luoji is probably the most memorable character in the series

@MichaelWheatley Saying it's a commitment market makes the format make way more sense