Will I get banned from Manifold by July 1st 2024 ?
Jul 2


I may handle NO resolutions myself, if I don't go inactive. YES resolutions should be handled by a mod. It must be a "real" ban e.g if I get banned as a joke or get banned only to manipulate this market, etc. then it doesn't qualify.

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@Mich What are you plotting?

@GazDownright Nothing, guess I just got a bit scared when lots of people got « banned » but actually it turns out some voluntary account deletions were mistakenly reported as bans.

@Mich But idk that’s also what I would say if I were plotting something terrible

as a random mod who theoretically might be called upon to resolve this one day: deleting one's account currently results in a "ban" under the hood for technical reasons. even if that functionality is still in place, Mich quitting the site and deleting their account wouldn't cause me to resolve YES unless a proper ban was looming.