Will the Baltimore Baby Bonus qualify for the November 2024 ballot?
Oct 16

The Baltimore Baby Bonus Fund is a proposed Charter Amendment from the Maryland Child Alliance that would offer a one-time payment of at least $1,000 to Baltimore city residents upon the birth or adoption of a child.

The campaign must collect 10,000 verified signatures from registered voters in Baltimore City by July 27th, 2024 to have the Charter Amendment added to the 2024 general election ballot.

As of March 1, the campaign reports that they have collected 9,187 signatures, and estimates that they need 13,000 to have 10,000 accepted.

This will resolve TRUE if the Baltimore City Board of Elections reports that the ballot measure qualifies for the November 2024 election. I couldn't immediately determine when they release this outcome, so set it to end on October 15, 2024, when the first ballots go out, but will likely resolve it sooner based on available information.

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