Will anyone run against Biden for the democratic nomination?
Nov 3

This will resolve yes if anyone runs against Biden in the primary and manages to attract attention from the national media.

Otherwise, it will resolve no.

Edit: Just to clarify, to satisfy the yes condition, they will need to actually remain running as of the first primary. If Marianne Williamson withdraws before any primaries and Joe effectively runs unopposed, I will still resolve this as 'no.'

Mar 29, 6:08pm: Will anyone run against Biden for the democratic nomination? → Will anyone run against Biden for the democratic nomination?

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Marianne Williamson already is.

predicts NO

@AaronKreider are they actually listed on a ballot or anything official?

@AaronKreider she also ran previously, but dropped out before the primaries even began, so I wasn't really taking her seriously. I'll clarify the market results.

@MarkIngraham Nobody is listed on the ballot currently as there are no ballots or qualified candidates.

@MatthewB She was in some of the debates last time.