Will I make RMM 2025?

Resolves YES if I get invited to RMM 2025 by the US, regardless of whether I am an official competitor and regardless of whether I accept the invitation. Resolves NO otherwise. In the past, the top 6 people in the US who have attended neither RMM nor IMO before get invited to RMM based on TSTST + 2*(Dec TST + Jan TST).

Recent Scores:

2023 TSTST - 707 076 771

2023-4 TST - 600 670 772 [APMO redacted]

2024 USAMO - 717 770 (pretty sure this is top ~10?)

2024 TSTST - 777 777 620 (rank 3)

[This is rank 2 out of all RMM-eligible contestants, with 1st place being 1 point above me. According to some sources, RMM-eligible rank 6 has 35 (?)]

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