Will I be approved for permanent welfare?
resolved Mar 11

Expected time of result/resolution: Febuary 8th 2023

Will my permament welfare application be granted by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)?

Application is for 100% disability (Claiming that I am not suitable/available for any of Sweden's job markets).

My disability: Avoidance personality disorder, reacurring depression.

Treatment: CBT, group therapy. (Treatment is usually long and difficult)

My age is 33 y/o. I have had a few jobs for a total of 1 month in my life (because of my disability).

I was hospitalized at 12 y/o for refusing to go to school (Diagnosis then: social fobia, depression).

0% attendance to school from 12 y/o.

You can apply for permanent welfare, or "early retirement", when you turn 30 y/o.

My first application was denied on November 12th 2021 (medical certificate written by a different psychiatrist (applied May 24th 2021)).

Applied August 8th 2022

Will get an awnser after 5-6 months.

[YES] If I am granted

[NO] If I am denied

Proof? Idk if I want to risk doxing myself to provide evidence of result. I'll decide if I will provide any proof, when I get the desicion.

I will hold YES and never sell

UPDATE in comments

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predicted YES


predicted YES

UPDATE. Expecting a decision march 3rd or the week thereafter.

bought Ṁ5 of YES

good luck

predicted YES

UPDATE. New letter. They are asking if I want to change the date of my application:

"When you apply for permanent welfare, you can also apply for welfare for the months before you applied, at the earliest three months back from the date the application was received by Försäkringskassan. This means that if you are granted permanent welfare, you can also receive welfare for these months. (...) "

They want an answer latest Feb 7.

I didn't get this letter last time i applied so I am expecting a YES here soon...

predicted YES

UPDATE. Received a letter today. They ask for additional information:

  1. Is it correct that you are applying for 100% disability allowance from August 2022?

  2. What treatment have you received? Is there any ongoing or planned treatment? What is the purpose of any ongoing or planned treatment?

  3. Do you have any side jobs, assignments or voluntary work?

  4. Do you have any leisure activities? What do you do during the day?

  5. Can you do household chores such as cleaning, laundry, shopping and cooking? Are you able to drive?

  6. How do you make a living? it is important to declare all the allowances you receive and how long you have received them.

All these questions have already been answered in my application so i asked my psychologist to give them a call and go through the answers with them.

They need an answer by December 30th.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

I hope you get it.

Good luck.