Heavy raining in Czechia and Austria has just started today, 12th September, up to 500 liter per meter² is predicted to fall during this week.
Did you want to resolve this now, or were you planning to wait until the close date in case more information comes in?
Perplexity finds 20-25,000 dislocated but it might well be missing sources
40 evacuated in Bruntál region https://denikn.cz/minuta/1520010/
20 evacuated in Ostrava https://denikn.cz/minuta/1519991/
400 evacuated in Polish Glucholazy https://denikn.cz/minuta/1519970/
@AIBear Thanks a bunch, DenikN seems to monitor the evacuation numbers in Czechia pretty thoroughly.
1000 forced to move in Krnov today: https://denikn.cz/minuta/1521083/
Evacuation at "several places" in Czechia, no more details. Getting good counts for resolution is going to be a nightmare...https://denikn.cz/minuta/1520199/
180 patients evacuated in Brno. Do those count as "dislocated" ? https://denikn.cz/minuta/1520211/
@AIBear Thanks, I've realised getting the total number might prove difficult, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to assess the range/magnitude fairly.
Yeah, temporary dislocations should count, but rather those forced/necessary, not the preventive ones that will be proven not needed.
@MartinVlach Discerning forced vs. preventive is going to be pretty though, I haven't seen this being reported anywhere...