Will an official Manifold wiki be better than the official Manifold help after three months?
resolved Dec 3

Timer starts once an official Manifold wiki exists. An official wiki is one that is linked from the sidebar, similar to the official Manifold discord.

After three months of wiki existence, I'll pretend I am a confused user and go to both official help and official wiki for answers. Resolves YES if the wiki is better, NO if the help is better, 50% if I can't tell.

Resolves N/A if there is neither official help nor official wiki.

Resolves YES if there is official wiki but not official help.

Resolves NO if there is official help but not official wiki by 2023-12-02.

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predicted NO

Resolves NO (I hope) @MartinRandall

"Resolves NO if there is official help but not official wiki by 2023-12-02."

Is https://docs.manifold.markets/faq considered a help or a wiki?

@FlorisvanDoorn good question. I think no. Your thoughts?

predicted NO

@MartinRandall There's an "edit" button at the bottom, but it just takes me to Github, and I assume that any change I make on github has to be approved by the admins, so it's not really "editable by anyone" like I expect of a wiki. Given that all of Manifold is open source and built on this Github contribution structure, if this counted as a wiki I think it'd be impossible for there to be any help page that didn't count as a wiki.

Will an official Manifold wiki be better than the official Manifold help after three months?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition