What will happen to Columbia University President Minouche Shafik as a result of using the NYPD on students?
Jul 7
Remains President
Resigns or Fired

Today Columbia’s president ordered the arrest of around 100 students protesting on behalf of Palestine. The NYPD entered campus for the first time since 1968 to arrest protesters. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/18/us/nypd-disperses-pro-palestinian-protest-columbia-university/index.html


Will she keep her job?

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bought Ṁ10 Resigns or Fired YES

Ugh, I set this up as an independent instead of a dependent market again. Well, only one of these will resolve yes and one will resolve no. Both will only N/A if she unexpectedly dies.

@MarkHamill pls resolve

doesn't look like she's resigned, so resolves YES?

If she declares that she will no longer be president in the next school year, but will be president until August, how does this resolve?

Is the market resolving to whatever position Shafik is in at when trading closes on July 7th?

@Knuffa Yes. If she resigns early though, it’ll resolve early.


Big story! Boosting and subsidizing as we're still getting a lot of developments here.

Also, we've got a dashboard for other markets on the story! Feel free to comment if you make any new ones and maybe we'll add them to the dashboard for more exposure!


@ManifoldPolitics Thanks! I'll let you know but for now it's just the 2 you added

I opened a market for if the FBI will investigate anti-semetic events at columbia.

See also

bought Ṁ10 Resigns or Fired YES

Ugh, I set this up as an independent instead of a dependent market again. Well, only one of these will resolve yes and one will resolve no. Both will only N/A if she unexpectedly dies.


Today Columbia’s president ordered the arrest of around 100 students protesting on behalf of Palestine. The NYPD entered campus for the first time since 1968 to arrest protesters. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/18/us/nypd-disperses-pro-palestinian-protest-columbia-university/index.html

Will she keep her job?