Roko’s Basilisk vs The Squiggle Maximizer: Who would win in a Death Battle?
resolved Sep 16
The Squiggle Maximizer
Roko’s Basilisk
Too close to call

Serious question folks! There are two AI superintelligences which are locked in a duel to the death. Who do you think would win, and thus would get to have their way with humanity in the end?

This question will close next week, and a new poll will open up on then so that everyone can cast a vote. This market will then resolve the week after the poll, with the winner being the one with the most votes.

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Official poll is now up. It will be open for 7 days, and this market will resolve on the one which has the most votes. If you have a compelling argument for either outcome, make sure to state your reason in the comments below!

I've never dreamed about squiggle max

The basilisk would just retroactively threaten to destroy all the paperclips in the world.

Most votes in a poll you'll create, or most trades on that option in this market?

bought Ṁ5 of Too close to call YES

@Joshua I guess most trades would be more accurate.

Oh to be clear that was a typo on my part, I meant to say most "Traders". The former would actually refer to how many times someone bought or sold an option which is not a good measure.

Traders is also not great IMO bc you might find it difficult to count if this gets popular, and it's a little more gameable than a poll (though a poll is still gameable). Up to you regardless, just want to make sure I understand.

I actually used to spend a lot of time on r/whowouldwin so I'm interested in figuring out the best format for questions like this.

@Joshua Ah I see! Shall I close this down and reopen as a poll then?

Well a poll by itself won't attract as much interest because no one can win mana from it. One thing that people do is run a market like this, and then when this market closes you make a poll. Then you resolve this market after that poll closes. It's not a perfect method, but it's the most common one right now.

I'll also add that having the market last until the end of the year is a long time, and people will probably forget about it by then. A period of a few days might attract more attention because people can get their mana back faster.

@Joshua Thanks for all the tips! I’ll do it that way then.

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