Will Matt Levine dunk on the next issue of Money Stuff on Matt Yglesias?
resolved Jan 11

Apparently, Matt Yglesias doesn't know what a basis point it

And Matt Levine dunked on Twitter


If the next issue of Money Stuff mentions Yglesias with a decidated session, this market solves to YES.

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I intend to resolve to NO. I don't see how calling Yglesias' math odd is dunking

predicted NO

Title and description contradict. Levine mentions Yglesias but positively, how does that resolve?

Relevant quote:

But there is a real risk that Congress won’t, so today Bloomberg Opinion contributor Matt Yglesias has a Substack column arguing that Treasury should solve the problem of the debt ceiling using premium bonds. I think this is correct, I have made this argument a few times before, and Yglesias clearly explains why the debt ceiling is very dumb and why Treasury should, if need be, use gimmicks to solve it.

They meant to be complimentary. I wanted to prevent if Levine just linked in the links session there would emerge doubts. I'm sorry not being clear.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

@MP So it needs to fulfill both?