Will Manifold Markets will be available as an IOS App by the end of 2022?
resolved Dec 19
This market resolves YES if on January first 2023 an IOS App of Manifold Markets is available for the EU or US IOS Appstore.
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predicted YES

Going to manually resolve this too Yes soon

bought Ṁ25 of NO

This can resolve YES, right?

Psyched to see @ian buying a bunch of this market!!

bought Ṁ567 of YES

The things remaining for iOS are sign in with Apple and getting paste the app review process. Track the code progress here:


bought Ṁ10 of YES

I think that apple winds up exerting too much influence over apps -- even over the experience of the app outside iOS -- through its app store review process. I kinda hope manifold won't release an iOS app.

bought Ṁ30 of YES
I would actually be somewhat surprised if we didn't try to get an iOS app out. Not buying higher cuz it's always possible Apple blocks our app from the store
predicted NO
Feels like a low priority to me personally.
bought Ṁ100 of YES
The initial version of our iOS would likely be a wrapper around our web platform + native notifications (which are the holy grail in terms of engagement).
predicted YES
* of our iOS app
bought Ṁ20 of NO
native iOS apps are too hard, web is good enough unless you need tight OS integration which Manifold does not