This market concerns the events of the following market, henceforth called the Main Market:
Anyone can add more options. I will only count them if their truth values are easily checked (or someone else does this for me), they are clearly stated, unambiguous et cetera and otherwise I will resolve them N/A.
In case the resolution of a market here would leak information about the Main Market, I will wait on the resolution (meaning: at latest until everything on the Main Market has resolved).
Note that you may add questions about the state of the Main Market at specific points in time. A particularly interesting time (I think) is the part where I'm just about to resolve the first market on the Main Market, but haven't yet done that. Let me refer to this time by "Just Before Resolving Anything". In general, let me call Just Before Resolving The Nth Market the time just before I have resolved the Nth market on the Main Market.
At the moment Bohaskas anti-guess has 26/35 correct. The market before resolution has 24/35 and the Market before the very first resolution has only 15/35 plus three times 50%.
I’m currently down ~400 after two resolves.
@roma I think at the moment the resolved questions are not included in those numbers, but in the end there will hopefully be a total profit ranking of all participants, like for the binary markets.
@nanob0nus Not sure. I've checked this one
It shows top traders like this:
But it doesn't show that I've lost 49 mana as in the above screenshot.
Although maybe these new unlinked ones show it.
@roma meh, only top 5 traders are shown. One can go to the profile of all traders manually and check their profits. But most likely someone who qualifies will bet this up and show proof for profit.
@nanob0nus Yeah, I'm fine just resolving this "NO" in case no one claims >1000 loss shortly after closing.
@nanob0nus No one explicitly said that their submissions were about that - but the only person from which I got at most 100 predictions was Roma with their comment at I err on the side of counting those as submissions for this. Those are the only ones I'm aware of.
(Now would be a good time to say that "I did, in fact, send you submissions, but you haven't acknowledged them".)
@Loppukilpailija As it is now known that each of the guesses by Roma have at least 5 positions where they have been wrong, I resolved this market NO.
@Loppukilpailija Oh, wait, I probably can't do that? Unlinked multi-choice doesn't support it I think. Gonna write a suggestion to Discord.
@nanob0nus log(p/(1-p)) when YES and log((1-p)/p) when NO, where p is the price at close? And in the end you check if the average of these 40 values is greater than 0?
@nanob0nus Not quite.
The logarithmic score is log(p) if the answer is YES and log(1 - p) if the answer is NO. (See e.g. Wikipedia for more.) And then I check whether the average score is better than log(0.5). (I have not specified the base of the logarithm since it does not affect result.)