Will the Manifold API have documentation to resolve a Pseudonumeric Market by end of September?
resolved Oct 1

This market is at least partially automated. It uses rules to determine whether it should be resolved and what to, then sends it on to a human operator to verify. It uses the following rules:

This market resolves if any of the following becomes true:

- If the current time is past 2022-10-01 00:00:00

It will resolve based on the following decision tree:

- Resolves to round(MKT).

Note that the bot operator reserves the right to resolve contrary to the purely automated rules to preserve the spirit of the market. Non-exhaustive examples of this would be: 1) if the title of the market clearly references an event, and but the market value is such that round(MKT) is incorrect, 2) if the implementation of a rule is discovered to have a bug, etc.

The operator also reserves the right to trade on this market unless otherwise specified. Even if otherwise specified, the operator reserves the right to buy shares for subsidy or to trade for the purposes of cashing out liquidity.

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@Austin, if one of y'all merged my PR, then you could definitely bet on this before me and take the winnings :p

bought Ṁ400 of YES

Update: it's merged

bought Ṁ100 of NO

Given they've been deleted....

What do you mean documentation? Like it's possible but they don't explain the details? From what I've seen so far, psrudonumeric markets are just about identical to Binary on the back end.

predicted YES

@MichaelWheatley it is currently possible to resolve them via the api, but it's not documented at all. For instance, I had to look through source code to figure out what to submit, and even then some of them had restrictions that were not obvious