Will I get a verified check on Manifold by July 2023?
resolved Dec 9

Currently, only Manifold team members have verified checks. This is outrageous! This market resolves YES if I get any sort of "verified" checkmark placed next to my name at any point between now and July 2023 for at least 24 consecutive hours, and NO otherwise. If a Manifold team member attempts to abuse this market for profit and is one of the top 3 bettors by volume, I will resolve it in the least convenient way for them.

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predicted YES

It's been >24 consecutive hours :)

@juan Neat, I didn't even notice!

Manifold team member

How do you define this? Is it anyone with a checkmark?

@Yev Yes

predicted YES


If a Manifold team member attempts to abuse this market for profit and is one of the top 3 bettors by volume, I will resolve it in the least convenient way for them.

You are a manifold team member (since you have a checkmark) and you are by far the biggest bettor by volume. The question is, did you attempt to abuse this market for profit? 😆

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Only seems likely if it's part of April Fools next year

bought Ṁ15 of YES

@wasabipesto Olivia could get hired by Manifold.

Will I get a verified check on Manifold by July 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition