How much student debt will be cleared by the Biden administration?
resolved Jan 14

Will be resolved to the amount cleared for the average loanholder as determined by some credible source such, as determined by me, with sourcing

Close date updated to 2023-12-31 11:59 pm

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📢Resolved to N/A ;Per CG (personal)-subjective ; Per CG (vague) - criteria source

@traders Do you have any information that can support a resolution?

@SirCryptomind Apart from "I was demonstrably utterly correct in my admittedly abrasively cynical comment below"? Not really.

@LivInTheLookingGlass Can you please resolve?

Why is this so low? Isnt a very significant % expected to receive 20k and the vast majority of the others 10k?

There's also the amount effectively cleared by pausing debt repayments and by the changes to loan forgiveness programs.

@DavidChee Because the US government has never met a promise to its subjects that it didn't feel like breaking.

@MartinRandall Do you know more about this subject? I do not as I do not have student loans. This can be resolved if we know since it has been 5 days since ping.
(saw it in news today so it reminded me of this market)

predicted HIGHER

@SirCryptomind no, I forgot everything I knew

@MartinRandall Ok. Thanks.