resolved Sep 12

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sorry everyone that it ended like this :(

Thank you the mods!


@UM StateSpaceUpdater sold Ṁ8 YES from 1.0% to 0.0% 5m


I am not sure how this happened without StateSpaceUpdater buying up lots but instead leaving it and allowing me to do so. Seems a bit weird.
Also how did the wall disappear?

@ChristopherRandles My limits at 1% did not fire. Idk what happened. Seems like a bug.

@LCBOB Can we like N/A this or smt

@bagelfan I see one order at 1% for 402 mana which I think was added since. Do other people see more orders?

Think that one order is lots of different orders. Perhaps platform was changing system to show amalgamated orders? If this didn't work, yes it could well be a bug.

Not sure whether I can argue this was a risk no order people were taking, NA may well be sensible unfortunately for me.

I added an order for 57 at 1% and now it shows a group of orders totaling it is definitely an amalgamation of orders. Perhaps a failed feature implementation kind of bug.

Wonder if it works now on other markets? Do all book orders fail or just amalgamated ones that fail? ... other questions for a bug report?

Non amalgamated orders seem to work.
Amalgamated orders by one person (me) filled by me seem to work.

@ChristopherRandles but that's exactly what @chrisjbillington explained below, no ?

'Not impossible. Selling YES shares on a market at 1% makes it go below 1%. (Ignoring limit orders)'

@LCBOB Yeah but there were always limit orders which should have prevented this. This is 100% a bug. Selling YES should not ignore limit orders

@LCBOB to quote you form our private chat: "if there is still 1% YES limit orders, it is not really below 1%"

@gigab0nus @LCBOB
Yes I can confirm that I had an order for 4 yes at 1% which was placed there over a day ago and is still there. I think it is a bug: that sell of 8 should not have pushed the price below 1% because there were lots of buy orders at 1%. However the bug meant it did go below 1%.

It was possible to resolve yes, the expectation was that this would be by exhausting yes buy orders but the bug allowed another way of doing so without exhausting yes buy orders.

Is that a risk that no betters were taking and lost? Well I could try to argue for that but I would accept that it is a bug, should not have happened and market should be NA'd.

@ChristopherRandles I would also tend to NA, I just want to give time to any pro-YES to voice their arguments

(and i cannot resolve while it is still open, it can still go below 1%)

@LCBOB People might add yes orders at a low % because they have seen it go below 1% and due to discussion aren't sure what will happen. This makes it harder to go below 1% now.

I think you should ask mods to NA it rather than leaving it run.

@LCBOB I agree with @ChristopherRandles. I had multiple limit orders of YES at 1.0%, but they failed to kick in. So, it must have been dropped below 1.0% due to a bug. This should resolve N/A, and the sooner the better since people don't know how to bet right now (or close this early).

okok @mods can this market resolve N/A please ? there was a bug as describe above

So is it happening ? :)

sold Ṁ213 NO

ur welcome (I sold my no shares)

the 1% wall is quite thin

sold Ṁ2,435 NO

@LCBOB yeah i got nervous lol

Takes 29k to remove all the 1% orders
Top 2 yes have 15k
No limit orders about 14k
Doesn't look profitable even for top two yes holders working together but perhaps not that far off.