Will this market close with value X: 60%<=X<=69% ?
resolved May 20

Uses the rounded number shown by default. Resolves using the final value of the market.

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predicted NO

M5000 book order at 50% remains. Surprised it has not been changed in neither amount nor to 59%. Will bots come in and place like 20k buy & sell orders at 60-69% in last few seconds? Has delisting it hidden it from bots?

Unlisting this so it will no longer show in new peoples' feeds nor will any more bonuses be given.

predicted NO

@DavidChee just curious as to why? Any rules being broken?

@RonWiener We are unlisting some of the self-referential markets as they were beginning to overwhelm our site a bit too much. People have a lot of fun with them, so we don't want to remove them entirely, but we do want to be careful that they don't grow out of proportion.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@DavidChee betting No on that info, likely no one would bet this to Yes then in the few remaining days

predicted NO

@NikitaSkovoroda Existing bettors might but yes holders don't seem like they have the cash to take you on. I find it interesting that your book order is at 50% rather than at 59% where it would have more power requiring others to bet more than you. So is that just a tempter and you plan to put down a larger order later?

These markets seem like a game of chicken who is the largest whale or puts in their order latest in the last few seconds. Could Catnee bot change sides in last few seconds? Maybe you know these bots don't do that?

@DavidChee appreciating this move

@ChristopherRandles Would be cool if the platform had a limitation: max 100 mana spent per user.

So no whales can use their savings, and the markets cannot be manipulated by a single human.

@DavidChee Fair, ok