Will Kamala Harris's VP pick be a straight white man?
resolved Aug 6

See comments for further clarifcation.

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Do MENA people count as white?

Future U.S. Census surveys have "Middle Eastern or North African" as a distinct racial category from white and MENA individuals typically self-identify as non-white. Accordingly, to maintain consistency in this market's rulings, a MENA person will not be considered white unless there is public evidence that they consider themselves as such.

Did you have a specific candidate in mind?

Just want to clarify, all of these names would resolve YES

Roy Cooper
Mark Kelly
Andy Beshear
JB Pritzker
Tim Walz
Josh Shapiro (see below)


Pete Buttigieg
Jared Polis
Any women

Edit: So, in short, yes, barring some major public update.

The persons you provided as "YES" all appear to be a white man married to a woman, which will be taken as indication that they are straight, barring some public statement otherwise. Accordingly, yes, their selection as Kamala's VP pick would resolve this market "YES".

The persons you provided as "NO" all appear to be married to a member of the same sex, which will be taken as indication they are not straight and thus not a straight white man. Their selection would resolve this market "NO". (Again, barring some public statement otherwise.)

A woman or a person or color VP pick will also resolve as "NO" as they would be either non-male and/or non-white.

Right I just didn’t know if like Tim Walz claimed to be 1/8 American Indian or whatever.

Hm, does that usually disqualify people from being considered as white? If I recall correctly, Elizabeth Warren claims to be some non-trivial percentage Cherokee, but is predominantly considered white even by those who support her heritage claim.

I mean no, but if you were planning to it would be good to know now vs. after a pick has been made.

bought Ṁ115 YES

to be clear, Josh Shapiro is considered white?

opened a Ṁ96 YES at 75% order


Good question.

For the purposes of this market, I will consider Josh Shapiro white unless he comes out with a public statement identifying otherwise. The vast majority of Jewish Americans identify as white and this appears to be their contemporary race classification.


Underrated market