Will the close price of Gold (XAU/USD) be higher than the previous day? (Daily Market)
Apr 29
April 29
April 30

Gold Spot US Dollar (XAU) - Resolves to Investing

  • Initial close price is preliminary, this market is resolved once it's settled.

  • Resolves YES if stock closes higher than previous day

  • Resolves NO if stock closes lower or flat

Daily Dashboard

Market Inspired by Haws, SirCryptomind, Christian, Simon Grayson, and Nickten + Ammon Lam

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MSFT is as fake as BTC

What can I hold without make believe…

@nmw Gold and crypto produce no income and are entirely dependent on others wanting to buy it, confidence could collapse. particularly so with crypto, at least with gold you can make some pretty jewellery.

Microsoft can and does charge for software, producing income, what is fake about that?

Perhaps some property for which you can charge rent at least until the building becomes old, or the area becomes unfashionable or internet and AI make purpose obsolete or ...

Basically there are risks whatever you do but some are more risky than others.

April 8

@KeenenW Is this being compared with 04/05 (Friday) or 04/07 (Sunday)?

@Unown 04/07 (Sunday)

boughtṀ450March 25 NO

@chaos I'm confused, didn't it go up?

@Bayesian Not according to what I was looking at. I guess I need to be using better data.

bought Ṁ500 March 18 YES

@KeenenWatts Today's should resolve as YES
Edit: You already did it, thanks

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