Will Unity walk back their new “Runtime Fee” before the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 4

Unity announced they will be charging developers a fee every time their game is installed.

If this policy is still in place at the end of the year, this market resolves NO.

Otherwise, it resolves YES.


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> The Runtime Fee policy will only apply beginning with the next LTS version of Unity shipping in 2024 and beyond. Your games that are currently shipped and the projects you are currently working on will not be included – unless you choose to upgrade them to this new version of Unity.

predicted NO

They've said they will rework the policy, how will this affect how this resolves?

@gooey If they walk the policy back, it resolves yes. Otherwise, no.

predicted YES

@KFP does changing the policy to make it less controversial count as walking it back or do they have to completely scrap it?

@LukeHanks I might not have worded the title very clearly (this is my first market) but yes, they have to completely scrap it.