Will the Nintendo Switch successor be revealed in September 2024?
resolved Oct 1

Multiple media sources have indicated that the Nintendo Switch successor ("Nintendo Switch 2") could be revealed during this month. (see embeds below) On the other hand, rumours of the successor's reveal have occurred previously with little results.

For clarity, this market will resolve to YES if key information like an official photo or name of the system is revealed by Nintendo during September 2024. The mere existence of a successor system was already confirmed earlier this year, so a 'reveal' would need to be some piece of additional new and significant information building on what is already known.

This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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Thanks for playing everyone! If you’re still a believer in an announcement sooner than later, check out this market:



@MakaylaTrentham OK now I'm nervous.

@HenriThunberg where did you see this trade? It isn't in the trading history for me...

@SirSalty oh nvm it was on the mana market, looks like there is a bug and shows it as 𝕊 in the comments though.

@HenriThunberg lol don’t be, cause I have zero idea what I’m doing on here 😂😂

@SirSalty that's so weird lol. thought we were having people burning huge amounts of real money on crazy bets polymarket style for a while lol.

bought Ṁ40 YES

monday the 30th gang

@Robincvgr gonna hit it big

If you're off Team September and interested in moving to Team October:

bought Ṁ250 NO

This tweet has convinced me to buy NO: "By late-Sept, Nintendo's focus will be solely on promoting Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (launching 26/09). It seems unlikely they would draw attention away from Zelda by announcing the Switch successor". (@Nintendo_SW is not an official Nintendo account. It is a fan org.)

i was originally just gonna buy no and hold it as a hedge against really wanting a reveal soon, but i ended up falling for the allure of day trading here lol

bought Ṁ100 NO

@tfae How reliable is that website. I’m a bit skeptical since gaming leaks have a nasty habit of being faked

@AbiA "That leaves us to ponder, was this another false alarm or is mushbert_x onto something?

I’m inclined to believe the former."

The article suggests it's fake. The rumour also said it would be released October 10th, which would fit with mean this would resolve no

Honoured to have this added as a Sweepstakes! Sadly, I'm in Canada and can't enter myself lol

opened a Ṁ1,520 YES at 36% order

kinda wanna sell, i put a yes 36% limit order up

it's past 7AM PT and no official news today, welp

I don’t believe in hedging, double the disappointment here we come!

@Jony respect

bought Ṁ1,169 NO

hedging against how upset i'll be if it isn't revealed soon

@Robincvgr why do I feel like you’re a famiboards poster

@Jubs i am not

@Robincvgr you'd fit right in!