Will AngryMan rage during his debate with Destiny tomorrow (Jan 12th, 2022)?
resolved Jan 12

Bro came in screaming 100 words a minute and yet managed to say nothing. I'm pretty convinced he'll rage after D-dog shuts him down.

I'm considering rage some form of A) consistently screaming over Destiny in a way that ends the argument or B) leaving the Debate pre-maturely due to frustration.

Close date updated to 2023-01-12 4:00 pm

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@Juagers Can you extend the closing time?

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@RSWats Yeah

predicted YES

Why is he being so calm, this shouldn't be happening sadge

I mean they’ve butted heads before on stream and stuff regarding the Melina situation and even though Darius was obviously frustrated it didn’t like end the discussion or anything. You can find it on Darius’ channel, they were both pretty combative but it ended fine so I don’t see why it would be different here.

I guess my main question is does it only count if the rage ends the conversation and rage itself is fine or will this close in the positive if he gets combative at all?

predicted YES

@BlueTime Combativeness is fine as long as the conversation is able to continue with both participants contributing to the main idea. But if it gets to the point like the sinner debate where conversation is technically still happening but the debate isn't progressing then this will close in the positive.