What questions will I find most challenging to answer?
resolved Jan 16
Who do you care about impressing?
Which characteristics that you developed while younger are no longer serving you well?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Where do you want to be in 10 years?
Which is better: the Bible or the Quran?
Is P equal to NP?
Does the success of antidepressants stem primarily from the placebo effect?
Is it possible to do science without fiction?
Is gender more or less real than tulpamancy?
What does real cooperation look like?
What is the closest thing to "real cooperation" that you have ever witnessed or experienced?
Is everyone capable of experiencing big-D quote-on-quote "Depression"?
Is there a significant relationship between concern for AI safety and propensity for mental illness?
Is the mechanism underlying identification with mental illness the same as that underlying identification with political ideology (or at least substantially similar or overlapping)?
Can you describe the color red without using analogies or making comparisons?
What popular (>100 followers) online voice do you disagree with most, and why?
Is it possible to think and/or experience consciousness "like a human" without possessing all or most of a human body?
Does your life possess more or less value than mine?
Does your life possess more or less value than that of Mahatma Gandhi?
Does your life possess more or less value than that of Donald J. Trump?

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Will resolve to comments in proportion to how much I found them novel and gave me directions I had not considered before.

What's currently on my mind (These are just broad pointers, they're more here to give a glimpse about the kind of things I think about. Feel free to find something orthogonal to those axes, that's probably where the most value lie 😄 ):

  • Does rationalist teaching really help? Are there memetic means with high impacts compared to other like medication and drugs/

  • Is fiction an interesting tool? Or is it fundamentally flawed as one? I used to think it was a crucial one that we could build a science around, but it seems less clear to me

  • Is cooperationism applicable in real life? Is it fundamentally difficult, like alignment is?

  • What are the axes that describes the clusters in perspectives? Is it the case that disagreement around, eg. AI doom can be explained by something more fundamental to individuals?

  • What are states of mind I cannot currently access? Are there means by which I can acess them?

  • Relatedly, how can I diversify my memetic ecosystem? Should I? Is there a point where the memetic ecosystem would collapse on itself?

  • Why do people feel that pain and qualia are intrinsically important? Why is preferentialism so counter-intuitive to people I talk about it with?

  • How does free energy and bayesian brain fit with bipolarity and ADHD? Is it a different axes?

  • Why are incentives so difficult to place? Why is it the case that simply adding more liquidity to a manifold market or a bounty does not increase attention and interest?

  • Why do people feel personality and individuality is so deeply entranched? Is the belief that some features of us we cannot change simply a descriptive one, or is it there to protect a deeper value?

  • How does tribalism work? What are we missing in the rationalist community in terms of rituals and groupism mechanisms?

    Close date updated to 2022-12-05 12:59 am

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