So far through Twelve seasons we have seen five distinct formats:
Territory Capture (One, Four and Ten), where teams sought to gain territory and win by doing so
Race (Two, Five and Eight), where teams, um, raced between two points
Chase* (Three, Seven and Eleven), where the main game element is the hunting of one of the players (even though the victory condition was not directly related to this)
Object Capture (Six), which in the one example was Capture the Flag but could be any game where the objective is neither a player nor a physical location
Hide and Seek (Nine and Twelve), similar to Chase, but the sought player can't move and their location is unknown to the seekers.
I will close this market as soon as one of the following happens:
Episode One drops on Nebula
An episode of the Layover explains the format
A trailer reveals the format (beyond reasonable doubt)
Sam Wendover makes a statement that reveals the format (beyond reasonable doubt)
*It seems likely that at this point they will play Tag often enough that they won't use other chase formats, but will keep the name as is. It seems that changing it could cause more issues than it solves.