Jet Lag: The Game Season Eleven Truth Statements
Sep 24
A runner draws two curses in a single run
More than three countries are visited
This season has more than five episodes
A capital city is visited
Sam mentions Formula One
An athlete eats pasta
More than four countries are visited
An athlete has to answer a riddle
The runner goes above 2000m altitude
Someone says "that's just how the jets lag" **
Adam wears a wig
A runner dodges the chasers within a station or equivalent
We see a running escape ***
A challenge references the film Gladiator
An athlete rides a bicycle
We see a waterfall
This season has more than six episodes
Adam sings part of "Let's go to the beach, each (Starships)"
An athletes says the word 'mafia'
An athlete travels by plane

Resolves to all that are true. I will add more as the season progresses.

I may bet unless something appears or becomes subjective, in which case I will not bet. If something unexpectedly becomes subjective after I've already established a position I will outsource resolution if necessary.

I don't promise to watch so religiously that I don't miss any of these, so bettors should proactively seek resolutions, but I do promise to go back and check time stamps if provided.

I will close this set of questions the day before the finale is broadcast on Nebula, and will not resolve until it has been shown on YouTube. Obviously information will have been transferred in many markets before then, so participate at your own risk of spoilers.

Likewise individual markets will resolve after relevant evidence is on YouTube.

In general, events must appear on screen to count. If footage or audio is lost but the episode still confirms it took place and mattered that would count, but referring to something happening in a way that makes it clear not showing it was an editorial choice would not count.

In this context, physical location or mode of transport always matters.

Things we see or here during the 'outro' where the producers talk directly to camera in a studio setting do not count, unless specified.

Likewise anything shown in an outtakes episode.

* Before the finale is broadcast on Nebula. Either a link or a screenshot.

**Or a recognisable variant of it

***A running escape is defined as a catch attempt where both the runner and at least one chaser break into a run upon visual contact, and the runner not only evades the tag, but is able to reestablish separation (a loss of visual contact). This could be done by catching a transport mode that the chaser misses, by using a power-up, or by pure speed.

At least 15 minutes of game time must elapse after the attempt ends before visual contact is reestablished.

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@JoshuaWilkes "Amy's Puzzle Box" gets a big spotlight in Episode 2, out now on Youtube.

@JoshuaWilkes Ben and Sam have a Snack Zone trying Italian McDonald's items in Episode 1, out now on Youtube.

bought Ṁ25 Answer #zom938cnxn YES

On an unrelated note, I wouldn't mind a season's market being Basic rather than Mini as an experiment. If you can afford it traders would have more liquidity to play with.

@Kraalnaxx feel free to put in limit orders to pump up the liquidity ~

Option suggestion: We get another "let's go to the beach-beach" rendition

Remind me when the first one was please

Amazing! This had completely passed me by

Suggestion for option: Someone mentions a Vlogbrother (and/or a Vlogbrother appears)

can you explain what that is? 😂

John and Hank Green run the Vlogbrothers Youtube Channel, and have dipped their toes into a lot of other things (Crash Course, SciShow, VidCon, etc...). Famously, the 1st season of Tag Across Europe saw Sam and Ben randomly run into John Green in Paris.

They're really leaning into Tag Across Europe, huh?

It's their most popular mode