What will I wear to the first Proof School dance of the 2022-2023 school year?
resolved Apr 19
The same outfit as last year
Nothing (there will be no Dance)
Nothing (I’m not going to the dance)
An outfit which is not described in this market at close time
A suit made of Jolly Ranchers
A large disco ball
Eleven non-organic purple potatoes
An orange
A tux
A black tuxedo jacket and a white skirt + hoop skirt
Regular clothes + a nametag with a nice number above 69 written on it
A major LONGVOL derivative mark-to-market traunche correction
A tux plus an orange safety monitor vest

Last year I wore a black tuxedo jacket and a white skirt + hoop skirt to the school dance. I currently have no idea what I'm gonna wear this year!

If anyone has good ideas for things to wear, I am very much amenable to suggestions, so if you think you have a good idea, or at the very least an idea you think I'll like, "propose it." I uh, will write at least a 5-line poem in response to each of the responses (that aren't my own), to give y'all stuff to over-analyze on how I feel about certain outfits.

I will not bet in this market beyond putting M$10 on each of the initial answers for this market (and any other outifts that I think of in the future). I will not bet more than 10 on any answers, and I will not bet anything on other people's answers.

Anyways, I will resolve to the most specific correct answer that was added before "the outfit is revealed" at the first dance of the school year.

to start trading!
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It feels icky that this is an ambiguous resolution, and that me resolving it the way I did made me profit, but I do feel like I made the best resolution. Here’s why.

I think that “The same outfit as last year” should be interpreted as the same answer as “A black tuxedo jacket and a white skirt + hoop skirt.” This was indicated to traders via the poem I wrote in response to @Conflux's answer which implied that even before I had chosen my outfit, I had seen those two answers as identical (that being said, I prolly would have resolved it this way even without that poem, but the poem definitely does mean that traders were aware of how I was interperting "The same outfit as last year").

If I were to make a market like this today, I definitely would have had more stringent requirements about what counts as a valid answer (and something like “The same outfit as last year” definitely wouldn’t have). I think that this is a pretty dandy demonstration of why clear resolution criteria are important!

Sigh, so I wore the same outfit as last year… but I sowed disco balls to the skirt

I don’t really know how to resolve this. My inclination is either a tux or the same outfit as last year (and am leaning towards the latter).

The question is, does “the same outfit as last year” mean wearing a “A black tuxedo jacket and a white skirt + hoop skirt” or does it mean literally the same outfit?

(Also I’m not resolving to “A black tuxedo jacket and a white skirt + hoop skirt” since no one has any shares in it)

Anyways, this is a request for opinions on how to resolve!

@JoshuaB To bring in some textual evidence, this poem is treating @Conflux‘s answer and “the same outfit as last year” identically

@JoshuaB I still think that “A black tuxedo jacket and a white skirt + hoop skirt” is the most specific answer which is also accurate. The same outfit as last year to me implies exactly the same. But I guess the same outfit as last year is better than the tux option


This is gonna be a... fun market to resolve...


Thank you! At long last!

The simplest form to wear!

Clothing! But what does it mean?

Are they the same as clothes?

Yeah, they are, why’d ya ask!

I hope I get more detail to bear,

‘Twould be a shame to be this,

Though I’m ‘prised it took so long to appear!

Technicalities come quick, or so I thought!

May the race begin!



Just nine days too late!

If I could, I hereby swear I would,

How specific this is!

Delightfully so! But, I mayhaps stretch

Before I dance,

The definition of “regular” to have some fun,

But if I know, I swear I will,

And resolution will be decisive!

Well, unless one includes more detail,

Of course! Can’t guarantee too much!

That’d just be wrong,

And I’m always right.



I reckon this wears like words,

Making clear the way so:

Left is down, and up is right,

Where to fall, where to soar?

Frazzled forced lines, a word vomit of sorts.

How to wear words proudly,

But not wildly!? I don’t know man.

Guess what!?


Chicken butt—

Ahem—I mean...

You don’t either.

@JoshuaB you should ask @IsaacKing - I hear he’s an expert on this sort of thing


Aye, wear what I did the year before,

Perchance ’twas put in the market once before.

I cannot resolve this way,

Perhaps why you’ve sold

So far? The market crash?

Just like a car going too fast,

Into a pole.


The fruit placed upon my head.

Groovy-licious, to borrow

A phrase.

Or perhaps, just thousands and thousands

And thousands of orange peels,

Just wrapped around me.


More like

Orange peels,

As the famous expression




Cut into bite-sized chunks,

Created to make a model

Of the body shaped

And flowy so?

What about a hat?

Would it fly down

While prancing about,

As my head bobs up and down,

And spins around.


Josh, my friend, I beseech thee,

To listen to my humble plea,

Cardboard: sturdy, thick, a must

Charming, elegant, robust.

Hark! A dance approaches nigh

Wherein everyone shall vie,

To arrive in highest fashion,

To frolic 'round with fervid passion.

How loved, adored, the classiest would be

Among the gods, it could be thee

As I foresee it, thou hast been warned:

The most dashing could be thou, cardboard-adorned.

I request with no intent to prank,

Consider it an opportunity to thank

The gods, who have blessed you with such stunning taste

Reusing all the cardboard waste.

For, as thou shalt don thy cardboard suit,

With grace and poise, and not refute,

With curious glances and envious stares,

Thou shalt be the subject of the affairs.

As thou shalt twirl and jump and spin,

With grace and ease and poise within,

Thy cardboard would make it a historic night,

Where thou soars to fame, like wings in flight.

So, my dear friend Josh, I implore thee,

To embrace this novel idea with glee,

And wear thy cardboard with pride,

For thou shalt be known nationwide.


Tuxedic Fancy

A simple suit,

How hard to wear?

My—oh my—ain’t it clear?

This is simpler,

So fancy!

For what cause? Purpose at all?

Why the questions?

The long face?

Should I know?


I’m merely an author,

Senseless and dull.

Blithering blithely,

About words. Yet, I am full

Of intrigue and interest

For wiry suits.

Aye, that’d be so cool.

Now just what that means,

Is for you to tell.


The purplish tint

Gleaming into the great abyss

Of life.

Gaze back,

Fight back with pesticides,

Wouldn’t want the bugs to eat all my potatoes.

That’d just be

A dandy shame.


All eleven must be


Free for bugs.

Free for all.



Oh, sweet friend, I beg thee to hear me out,

For I have a daring proposition, no doubt.

It may seem odd, but do not fret,

For I assure thee, it shall be a fashion triumph, a duet.

I propose thou don eleven purple potatoes,

Non-organic, of course, to the dance,

And wear them with pride, in fanciful throws,

For it shall be a spectacle, a romance.

Imagine the looks upon their faces,

As thou dost strut about in thy unique attire,

Envy, admiration, and bewilderment traces,

For thou shalt be the belle of the ball, a true desire.

Thou may wear them atop thy head,

A crown of royalty, unmatched in grandeur,

Or upon thy feet, a footwear to tread,

A statement, a style, so pure and pure.

So, I implore thee, do not shy away,

From this opportunity to break free,

For in this world of trends, let us sway,

And showcase our true selves, wild and free.

Thou shalt be a trendsetter, a visionary,

An inspiration to all who dare to be different,

So do not hesitate, be bold, be merry,

And wear those potatoes with pride, resplendent.

@JoshuaB "that'd just be a dandy shame" is the most josh b thing i've ever heard


Dancing ‘round and ‘round the shiny disk,

As large as my head,



Dancing ‘round and ‘round a shiny disk,

Spinning, yet never meeting

The floor is afire,

Fleeing the mirror of one’s self.

Seeing thine true circle—

Or is it a sphere?

Reflections, on the inside

And out.

Take this link as you will... https://www.duckbrand.com/stuck-at-prom

Oh yeah, also, are there any objections to me betting a ton on "An outfit which is not described in this market at close time” in order to incentivize folks to give more suggestions?

@JoshuaB Hearing no objections, I've put some Mana on that option

just dress up as a giant orange


Tricked into writing poetry?

For a price of merely one?

Or even 0, if you exit once I write.

Or perhaps, this is an outfit,

It really could be my kit,

Imagine, poems, about fishing,

Somehow arranged into an outfit!

@JoshuaB genius. I will hold onto my investment


Mashing the sugary substances,

Sowing the spindly threads of sustenances,

Going to the dances,

Well, dance in this case,

Obviously I needed that for the rhyme,

At least this time.

Hours and hours could be put in, to create

Something which could be simply ate.

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