Will users who are referred to Manifold through this market hold >2x more YES shares than NO shares on March 31st?
resolved Apr 1

This is a submission for the Sanctioned Whalebait Bounty and a blatant attempt to enrich myself. It may get N/A-ed if it is ruled to be too degenerate.

I will keep track of new users who sign up for manifold through the referral link for this market. If I have any reason to suspect a new user is actually someone's alt, they won't count.

On March 31st, if those referred users collectively hold at least twice as many YES shares as NO shares, this market resolves YES. If not, this market resolves NO. This market also resolves NO by default if no referred users hold any shares at close.

I will close the market at a randomly determined time on Sunday, March 31st. I will generate the random time in a publicly verifiable way. I will not trade in this market.

[Disclaimer: These rules should be considered to be in Draft Form until this disclaimer is removed. I may update the exact resolution rules if anyone has suggestions for improvements within the spirit of the market.]

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