Will I meet a Cleric at Manifest?
resolved Sep 24

Previously: Will I Meet a Wizard at Manifest.

This resolves Yes if I meet someone distinctly cleric-y, No if I meet no one at all cleric-y, and 50% if I'm unsure whether the people I meet are cleric-y enough to justify a full Yes or No.

I imagine that a cleric is a professional member of a traditional faith-based organization. A full-time priest/nun, pastor, rabbi, imam, etc would certainly qualify. They might have a holy symbol, religious vestments, or holy water. They might have strong opinions on fiends and undead, be able to quote from scripture, or be able to perform miracles.

It is okay if I meet the cleric outside of Manifest itself, as long as it's still on my trip to Berkeley from Friday-Monday.

I may post comments when I spot possible clerics, although I may not go out of my way to talk to them as the conference will probably be pretty busy.

As this is entirely vibes-based, I will not trade on this market.

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I would say I have met two clerics! One told me about the religious session he ran today and his opinions about cryonics/the undead, the other told me how he was a professional member of the Universalist Unitarian church, had holy vestments, and was performing the miracle of navigating the culture war in his church.

Currently talking to a potential cleric

predicted NO

@Joshua did this potential cleric end up causing the market to resolve YES?

bought Ṁ50 of YES

FYI the place is spelled "Berkeley"

Would you count someone with the family name Cohen (or a variant of it)? It's Hebrew for cleric.

Also, I guess it's farther away, but what about Indians from the Brahmin (cleric) caste?