Who will be the top four in the Republican Iowa Caucuses?
resolved Jan 16
Trump > Desantis > Haley > Ramaswamy
Trump > Haley > Desantis > Ramaswamy
Desantis > Trump > Haley > Ramaswamy
Trump > Desantis > Haley > Christie
Trump > Haley > DeSantis > Hutchinson
Trump > DeSantis > Haley > Hutchinson
Haley > Trump > Desantis > Ramaswamy
Trump > Haley > Ramaswamy > DeSantis
Trump > Desantis > Ramaswamy > Haley

Will be based on the finalized popular vote count as reported by the media. The answer format is "First place > Second Place > Third Place > Fourth Place".

You can submit your own orders to split from "other". Please submit only new orders of exactly four candidates.

Note that this market only considers major candidates who are still in the race, as defined by 538:

If so many candidates drop out that there are not 4 major candidates, answers will use [No Other Major Candidate] in their ranking.

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Haley may have gotten third, but she may have been the only one besides Trump to actually win a county. She's currently ahead by a single vote.

GGWP all! You can find even more chaos in the New Hampshire market!

A little early for the final order, no? What about mail-ins?

The AP has called it

Trump isn't ready to call it yet but I think we should know soon

What did he see...

@Joshua if zuck runs as 3p, i feel like he takes this easy. i figure running meta is roughly as hard as running the nation, main challenge is that state intelligence reports might be worse than meta's internal ones.

@aashiq I feel he does NOT take this easy if Zuck runs 3p

@benshindel Comment is facetious. I also think being president is harder than running meta and that the feds have better intel, bc meta cooperates willingly

Now THIS is podracing!

@Joshua prediction markets: they work or whatever

The dang NYT needle GLITCHED are you kidding me...

@benshindel Always possible it's still glitching now!

Election szn manifold goes HARD (very fun)

Oh shit

Marvel Balance GIF

Dang y'all betting a lot over 3% of the vote in


Ahhh! 4% difference!!! that's... 200 people

@TheBayesian I'm just rooting for The Hutch

I've added a market on whether any of the candidates running will claim that the results of the caucus were fraudulent:

I think it's more likely that Ramaswamy's "shock finish" is to reveal he has the powers of Spider-Man villain The Shocker than to come in second or third.

By the way, caucuses are weird. There's the initial popular vote, the final popular vote, and the SDEs. This market will resolve to the final popular vote, as reported by reliable media sources.

Also, note that in 2020 reporting was a shitshow and we didn't even know who won the night of. In the end, Pete got 1 more delegate but Bernie got more votes. In 2020, this would have stayed open until we knew the final results and then resolved to Bernie.

Anyone want to make a market on if tonight will also be a shitshow?

Is there no market on who is going to win the caucus? I've tried searching...

In particular

It's probably not very salient in the algorithm since it's so certain.