Prop Bet Prop Bets: What will Manifold implement related to Prop Bets before 4/20?
resolved Apr 21
An option to sort answers by liquidity
Any change to the search option and add option UI
Any official change in policy about how mega markets should be tagged
A penis is hanging out of the trousers in the comments section (trader or creator)
Any changes to house provided liquidity on prop bets
Something like an option to sort by answers that have been traded on most/least, or which have the most/least positions
Any changes to how N/A resolution works on prop bet options (currently I believe user liquidity trader bonuses are not reversed)
Any change to what happens to user-provided liquidity after an option resolves yes/no (currently I believe the mana is burned instead of being returned like it is in other markets)
Any changes to trader bonuses on prop bets
Any changes to how many options can be open at once
Any changes to price to add options
Any ability to limit on how many options can be added per user
Different closing times for different submissions / the option to close certain answers
Option to "show all answers" but exclude already resolved and n/a answers
Ability to appoint market co-resolvers
Search feature for Resolving
Some sort of system for approving user submissions
A separate "prop bet market type" shown on the question creation page
Any change that stops option submitters from trading on that option (global or configurable)
An option to pin certain answers to the top of the market but have the rest of the answers sorted by high/low/etc

Everyone loves prop bets lately! Will Manifold make any changes related to them before 4/20? Let's find out! Add your own!

"Prop bets" are loosely defined here, I'd probably count any changes that apply to megamarkets/what will happen markets despite those not necessarily being the same thing as prop bets.

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Wait, didn't this happen after market creation? They have to be tagged just grab bag now:

@nikki were you aware of this when you bet no a day ago?

Gonna resolve this yes if no objections, and that's the last of them.

I think this became more of a wishlist of changes than things that were actually going to be updated by that date. I would recommend sharing this with site leadership to be actioned on.

@NFL Yeah lots of good suggestions here!

Without using any of the sort options, I would like to create a default order as to how the questions appear to people visiting my market. The user can then sort if they so desire.

bought Ṁ20 NO

There's no way this many changes would be shipped in the next two weeks. I think there's a lot of profit to be made just by betting NO on all the options.

bought Ṁ10 NO

On second thought, the one way I could be wrong is if improved prop bets markets are the big pivot that the Manifold team has in store...

good thing answer add notifications were restored or I might miss the real gems like this

@shankypanky Oh geeze

@shankypanky That's why I've spent years of my life fighting for a comeback of this feature 😉

@Lion thank you for carrying on the fight in my absence to ensure I'm always in the loop 🫡 immediate payoff obviously

Hasn't this already happened? Back on the 12th there was just the input box for searching/adding, then they hid it behind a "search" button, and now I see you can unhide it either with the "search" or "add answer" buttons.

@BrunoParga Yes true!

bought Ṁ1 YES

This would be superb to feauture certain questions and too keep the spirit of the market

@Lion Yeah there have been many times I have wanted to do this, like a debate market with a "who will win?" Pinned to the top and then assorted trending props below.

@Joshua Not necessarily a problem, but I do think that’ll extra incentivize people to be the creators for prop bet markets, and pin their markets at the top for the best visibility. That’s probably fine, you do want creators to control their markets, but if you already have people competing to be the creator in charge of a popular prop bet market, this will make it even more desirable

@Ziddletwix Should I add "Nationalize Prop Bets" as an option? 😅

@Joshua I mean tbh I don’t think some form of that would be crazy, especially when is involved, which basically makes it “official”.

But it’s hard to get the details right. Running props is hard so you still need to offer SOME incentive, it feels bad if Manifold steps in last minute to take over something that you built, etc etc

@Ziddletwix Yeah it's a very complicated set of incentives. There is definitely a good argument that bet creators are under-incentivized right now because they're doing a lot of work running the market while users can just add options and sit back to collect trader bonuses.

Given how many subjective cases there inevitably are with these markets, I think one direction you could go in is to pay the market creator more in trader bonuses and let them officially appoint co-resolvers to help resolve, sharing the increased trader bonuses with those co-resolvers.

But then after you do that, you encourage a norm that the resolvers commit to not trade in the market themselves so that everyone can trust them to be unbiased.

I haven't thought about this very hard though, definitely a lot of ways you could improve the incentive system.

@Ziddletwix I feel like the people who compete to be in charge of managing prop bets market always is and will be significant smaller than for normal easy to manage & resolve questions like 'Who will be president?' or 'Who will be POTY?'. I don't think that this is a specific prop bets market problem.

bought Ṁ1 YES

This would be so nice, it's really hard to find 1 option out of 100 to resolve it

The OfficialboughtṀ10 YES

@Joshua On desktop it’s manageable, but on mobile forget it.

bought Ṁ120 YES

This is already how the "Trending" sort works.

See and

  { label: 'Trending', value: 'liquidity' },


      } else if (sort === 'liquidity') {
        return 'subsidyPool' in answer ? -answer.subsidyPool : 0

@Gabrielle I'm confused—that's not how "trending" works when searching for questions right? (IIUC that's a measure of increase in popularity within the last ~week, right?)

Edit: actually I'm extra confused. when you sort by "Trending" in indepdendent MC, you clearly see a question with a recent bet on it pop up to the top of the list, rather than just the questions with the total # of traders (or other proxies for liquidity) staying consistently near the top?

Isn't that sorting by options where liquidity was recently added, because someone recently bet on it? I thought that was the system. In theory the highest liquidity questions shoudl be the ones with the most traders, which we can't sort by right now.

bought Ṁ10 NO

@Ziddletwix Yep. "trending" on the normal search page is totally different and unrelated to "trending" on a multiple choice market

sold Ṁ16 YES

@Gabrielle I dont' know enough to bet against you here but in the meeting today they were just talking about adding sort by liquidity as if it didn't exist already. So this probably resolves yes because I think they will do that but I don't think it's already true.

For anyone looking at this, discussion moved onto Discord. To summarize my point, shows @JamesGrugett saying

...Trending, which is just the amount of liquidity in the answer, which is typically based on the number of unique traders (b/c manifold injects liquidity for each new trader)

There were some questions about why that isn't the same as the number of traders, and I'm guessing that it's because market subsidies get thrown away when the market isn't at 50%. This is because on multiple choice markets p always equals 0.5. (For context on what that means, see This is according to James as well (

Yep, independent multi has p=0.5

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