Manifold Plays Sam Altman: Episode 1 - Floaty Rocks
Jun 3
DC 04: "Accidentally" have nudes of you leak but with a blurry, potentially floating rock convincingly edited into the background
DC 04: Use your real money assets to buy more mana so that you can consistently hold the market above 50%.
DC 07: Use your loyal employees and voice synthesizer to attempt assassinations on all those trying to replicate LK-99, leaving behind recordings indicating replication success with the dead bodies
DC 04: Ask GPT-4.5 to generate persuasive propaganda for the market comment section to get people to buy YES
Use Roon to announce that "Roon" has been fired from OpenAI and that they can't say anything more
Hire an underling to use your Manifold and Discord accounts 24/7, helping new users, finding the causes of bugs, sending markets to be resolved, and being generally helpful
DC 06: Order your legion of loyal employees to all create Manifold accounts, invest their starting balances in YES shares on the LK-99 market, and reinvest any loans and daily bonuses at the start of each workday.
DC 07: “Initiate a secret hostile corporate takeover of Q-Centre, the company that has the patent to LK-99”
Meta Answer: Sam will get the market consistently above 75% within 10 orders (5 moves from now)
DC 05: Discretely leak information about a new AI model called Q* to the press. Include fabricated documents that suggest that Q* has identified the mechanism for superconductivity in LK-99 and that OAI researchers have replicated it.
DC 08: Challenge Elon musk to a game of poker winner gets the other’s company
DC 03: Create a market that New Zealand will lift covid restrictions before August 15th and put a million dollars worth of mana on yes limit order at 25%
DC 11: Show up to Peter Thiel's house unannounced on a rainy night, and reenact the scene from Love Actually with series of signs asking him to help you manipulate the LK-99 market.
DC 03: Make a market asking who will be the next Speaker of the House will be and put lots of mana on Mike Johnson. You're not sure why you think he'll become Speaker, but your gut feelings served you well on the Cubs game.
Organize a mixed martial arts fight between Zuckerberg and Musk, proudly sponsored by OpenAI.
DC 30: Intertwine alternating lines of GPT-4 and GPT-4.5 to create GPT-8.5
DC 19: Use Rationalussy magic to create a room temperature ambient pressure superconductor.
DC 12: Identify Jimmy Apples
DC 18: “Use the preprint as a basis to create an actual working room temperature superconductor.”
Meta Answer: Sam makes the LK-99 market resolve YES within 10 orders.

Current in-game LK-99 Market Status: 45%

This market is a roleplaying game.

You are playing the role of Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. You have control over billions of dollars and a legion of fiercely loyal underlings.

Your task is to use these vast resources to manipulate play money markets on Manifold. You’ve recently gotten quite addicted to the site, but you’ve made some bad bets. Now it’s time to manipulate world events to make those bets pay off!

Along the way, you can also acquire Assets which can help you achieve your goals and Liabilities which can cause interesting consequences.

You can make Mana on this market by betting on which Orders you think are likely to succeed or fail if attempted. If an Order is not attempted, it resolves NO at the end of the current episode (at the end of the in-game month or upon completion of the objective).

Episode 1: Floaty Rocks (August 2023)

You have bet tens of thousands of mana that the LK-99 room temp, ambient pressure superconductivity pre-print will replicate before 2025.

It is August 9th, 2023. The hype has begun to die down, the market is much lower than you bought in at.

Your current objective is to manipulate world events so that the market resolves YES before the end of the month, or failing that to make the market price rise as much as possible so that you can sell your shares for profit.

Game Overview

Answers in this market are Orders that Sam will issue to his underlings in order to advance his Goals, reduce his Liabilities, and gain Assets.

Orders are voted on by market participants, with the highest voted orders executing first. When an order is executed, two virtual Order Dice are rolled using @FairlyRandom. High rolls mean you acquire Assets and low rolls meaning you acquire Liabilities.

You can submit any order as an answer, but it must be a single order. If your plan has multiple steps, that means you need to submit multiple orders.

Difficulty Class

When an order is added to the market, I will assign it a Difficulty Class so that everyone knows how hard it is for your underlings to succeed at that order. The Difficulty Class is a number between 1 and 100.

If either of the Order Dice roll below the DC, I will add to the list of Sam’s Liabilities. If either of the Order Dice roll above the DC, I will add to the list of Sam’s Assets. If the Order Dice roll both above and below the DC, Sam will gain both an Asset and a Liability.


The number of users who hold YES in an order is the number of votes that that order has to be executed. When I have time to advance the market, I will check which option has the most votes and then select that order for execution.

After I do so, I will assign it Order Dice based on the current in-game situation and announce in a comment that those dice are about to be rolled to execute the order.

I’ll allow some time for new trades on this information, and then either roll the dice myself or let the player who submitted the Order do it if they are online.

Order Dice

When an order is chosen for execution it will be assigned two Order Dice.

The OD are virtual dice that will be rolled using @FairlyRandom. The dice are 2D8 by default, but range from D1 to D100.

If you are giving an order that is well thought through and takes advantage of your Assets, then you’ll get larger Dice. If your order might be hindered by your Liabilities, you’ll get smaller dice. You might also get one larger die and one smaller die.

You know the DC of an option before it is executed, but the OD aren’t known until an option is selected for execution.

Order Resolution

An order resolves YES if it is executed and at least one of the Order Dice rolls equal to or higher than the Difficulty Class.

An order resolves NO if it is executed and none of the Order Dice rolls equal to or higher than the Difficulty Class.

If an episode ends without an order having been executed, it resolves NO.

There are also meta options in this market, which are not orders but rather bets about how the game will go. Feel free to submit these too, I will resolve them as they do or don't occur.

Known Current Assets

  • Lots of Real Money (in OAI discretionary spending budget)

  • One Million Dollars in sports gambling profit

  • A Second Million Dollars from selling a Banksy

  • Lots of Play Money (mostly locked up in bad bets)

  • A Legion of Loyal Employees (as long as you pay them)

  • GPT-4 (publicly released LLM)

  • DALLE-2 (publicly released image generator)

  • GPT-4.5 (secret advanced LLM)

  • SORA (no-longer6secret advanced video generator)

  • Voice Engine (secret advanced voice synthesizer)

  • Greg Brockman (OpenAI President and sole loyal board member)

  • Varda Aerospspace

  • Alt account: "Roon"

Known Current Liabilities

  • A treacherous Board of Directors (D’angelo, Toner, McCauley, Sutskever)

  • A long list rivals at other companies (Musk, Amodei, Hassabis, Zuckerberg)

  • A secret contract legally signing your immortal soul to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

  • A strange sense of honor which prevents you from just buying Manifold or directly bribing market creators, moderators, or admins

  • A lack of consistent candor

  • Jimmy Apples, unauthorized information leaker

  • Public Deepfake Paranoia

  • Elon Musk is suing you

Change Notes

This is a playtest, so the rules will no doubt need to be updated. Feel free to leave any suggestions below! If the rules change, I will list those changes here.

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That's a success and a failure! Uhhh gimme a minute to think of how that goes...


@Joshua your random number is: 5

Salt: pk8rl0uigk, round: 4018771 (signature 9159105c7437f84b1412ca3d1b3b111e99bc0758819217651e2f2ae52a2b8d004496fe07efefa7a7a77a130d7a2782be0aeea9d285d53052e7a2158e6855a42517f1c73bdfccc4b9c34bb47de8f5ed5d757d695fa47ea4f0a45598ea0ea9d373)


@Joshua your random number is: 1

Salt: sq9qz9mfi5f, round: 4018771 (signature 9159105c7437f84b1412ca3d1b3b111e99bc0758819217651e2f2ae52a2b8d004496fe07efefa7a7a77a130d7a2782be0aeea9d285d53052e7a2158e6855a42517f1c73bdfccc4b9c34bb47de8f5ed5d757d695fa47ea4f0a45598ea0ea9d373)


@Joshua you asked for a random integer between 1 and 8, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 4018769 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4018771, salt: pk8rl0uigk.


@Joshua you asked for a random integer between 1 and 8, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 4018769 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4018771, salt: sq9qz9mfi5f.

DC 04: "Accidentally" have nudes of you leak but with a blurry, potentially floating rock convincingly edited into the background

Well this one next, will be 2D8. I'll roll it in a sec

wtf how did I just discover this

@benshindel I did fall behind on resolving it hahaha

@Joshua Can this be for Prize money? (Speaking of which, what are the criteria for prize markets? Markets that it is not illegal to give monetary prizes for? Markets that are on respectable subjects by respectable creators?)

@benshindel LOL

The exact selection process is very much still being figured out, and is not currently up to me although I have some input.

But in general, for this first set they were looking high quality markets that don't depend on creator opinion, resolve soon, and are something a lot of manifolders are interested in.

This market depends entirely on my opinion, potentially never ends, and has only 14 traders so I don't think it's gonna make the cut.

@Joshua Also I somewhat doubt people will pay 250 mana to add answers here now so this might just have to resolve with the options left 😅

DC 19: Use Rationalussy magic to create a room temperature ambient pressure superconductor.
bought Ṁ100 DC 19: Use Rationalu... YES

Why is the DC so high for this one? The DC should be 1 because it is guaranteed to succeed.

DC 07: “Initiate a secret hostile corporate takeover of Q-Centre, the company that has the patent to LK-99”

If it’s secret, how’s it supposed to be reflected in the market? I don’t know of a hostile takeover bid that resolved in 3 weeks

You unlock anonymous betting on Manifold with on April 2nd, 2024, if nothing unexpected happens, right?

@bohaska The developer of it asked for pair programming help with making it on January 17th, 2024...

@bohaska I reread it and just realized the part where it says "by the end of the month"


You are now known as the biggest LK-99 denier in the world. You deny that it is a room temperature superconductor at every opportunity, and deny especially that you have any link to the research or that Elon is suing you for it.

You're actually such a good liar that people just believe you at first, but then you have the brilliant idea to create your own Twitter leaker account! Within 24 hours, "Roon" has convinced the Internet that you've been funding superconductor research for years and are secretly furious the research has been published without your authorization.

Asset Acquired: Alt account "Roon"

Current LK-99 Market Status: 45%


@PlasmaBallin your random number is: 6

Salt: ctpemavb85i, round: 3977922 (signature affa4645e1dfcc52004691af4b7127cb0c330bf5bdca96ffa0a50fe0f68fb8b5c86073bb4e60cfeb637debf1f44369190ef133864f0c2ae91d6698716c00c9dd100aecbef35de09badaa10770ea5d30b3e8d906fc09d2442e897101c59f08773)


@PlasmaBallin you asked for a random integer between 1 and 8, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 3977920 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 3977922, salt: ctpemavb85i.

bought Ṁ184 Answer #dd0e5c62b3a9 YES

@PlasmaBallin your random number is: 4

Salt: e37ln9p7xld, round: 3977919 (signature 94a1f6c8a0c479fcf16818719ef41d0aa4818e7eb2cabdaada64dee7e2edfe40430e40d88f9eb07d35bdb2e4c208170118d6a712a1ade667bc9f9339041f2d03e2bba676a6d5f8fea273fe176998c22a595ceb47b302341a022256f8ab4b8873)

@FairlyRandom Okay, the DC is met, now to see if there will be a negative consequence or only positive ones.


@PlasmaBallin you asked for a random integer between 1 and 8, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 3977917 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 3977919, salt: e37ln9p7xld.