Will "Does @IsaacKing actually have a trick up his sleeve in the WvM market?" be resolved correctly (according to poll)?
resolved Apr 30

After the following market resolves, I will hold a poll in the comments asking whether it was resolved correctly:

I will use the method of posting a comment with one reply to like if you think it was resolved correctly, and one to like if it was resolved incorrecty. I will leave the poll open for at least a day, and then check the totals. I will add +1 to the total of whichever side I believe is correct (since I can't like my own comment to vote in the poll by the usual means).

If the majority of votes say that it resolved correctly, I will resolve this YES, and if the majority say no, I will resolve it NO. If it is a tie, I will resolve it to 50%.

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bought Ṁ100 of YES

Pretty much just a formality at this point, but I set up the poll.

predicted YES

(It's in the comments of the original market, I just realized I didn't explicitly state that's where it would be before)

bought Ṁ200 of YES

@JosephNoonan It seems like this can probably resolve now, it's been two days and the votes are pretty much what they were yesterday :)