Does the Luddite Extreme Orthorexia (LEO) diet work?
  1. no beverages except filtered tap water and a small amount of milk

  2. No sugar nor sweeteners of any kind, whether natural or artificial.

  3. >80% whole plant foods (>half raw), <20% whole animal foods, 0% anything else. "Whole" means that at no stage during food production were any of the ingredients ground up or liquified. This implies rules 1-2, but it also implies no flour, no oils, no cornstarch, no juice, no sauces, no cold cuts, no preservatives, no salt, no drugs, few spices, etc. Percentages are calculated by calories.

    Resolves YES if by 2050 every documented case of someone adhering to this diet for a year, who started the year with a BMI over 25, ends the year with a BMI at least 3 points lower than he/she started with and doesn't regret it. Resolves N/A if there are no documented cases by 2050.

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predicts YES

for purposes of this question, fungi count as plants

β€œEvery documented case” over a 25 year+ period? Don’t think many (any?) weight loss diets have success rates like that.

predicts YES

@Ophiuchus pretty high barrier to entry tho, so the sample size will be small