If Manifold create API capable of leaving comments, it will still be public two weeks later
resolved Aug 11
This will resolve YES iff the API is publicly available, official and documented two weeks after first being made publicly available, official and documented. To bet on whether this API will be made at all: https://manifold.markets/ScottLawrence/will-manifold-markets-offer-a-publi-8a7c7fb66e1b May 19, 10:27pm: This will resolve to null if they haven't created a public API that includes commenting by the 26th of July
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predicted YES

@JonathanNankivell any update on resolution? :)

@MattP Thanks for the reminder!

As far as I am aware it is not possible to create comments through the API. At the very least, if it is, it is not an 'official and documented' feature [1]. Hence this question should resolve N/A.

Does that work for people?

[1] https://docs.manifold.markets/api#post-v0marketmarketidsell