Will the Swiss anti-vaccine ballot initiative “For freedom and physical integrity” pass?
Jun 9

The initiative “For freedom and physical integrity”, launched in the context of Covid-19 by the Swiss Freedom Movement, aims to exclude any obligation to vaccinate. No penalty or social or professional prejudice should result from a refusal. More generally, the initiators want to ensure that a person’s physical or psychological integrity can be violated only with their consent.

In parliament only the right-wing Swiss People’s Party supported the text and argued in vain for a counterproposal. The government and all the other parties took the view that acceptance of the initiative would lead to legal uncertainty in various areas of society, particularly in terms of criminal prosecution and the protection of children and adults. What’s more, no one in Switzerland can be forced to undergo vaccinations against their will.


Volksinitiative «Für Freiheit und körperliche Unversehrtheit» / «Stopp Impfpflicht»


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