Will someone lend me M20,000 for 15 days at 2.5%?
resolved Dec 23

Resolves YES if someone sends me M20,000 by Dec 25 PT. I promise to return M20,500 to that person by Jan 5th (or a proportionally smaller amount before then). In the unlikely event that I end up being unable to pay, I will return it as early as possible, and until that point I'll pay twice the interest rate (10% per month).

Before you send the Mana, please check that someone else hasn't already done so! Otherwise I will return your M20,000 without interest as soon as I see it.

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predicted YES

Loan repaid to @firstuserhere !

predicted YES

lol, I got a 1-star review for resolving this … correctly? @MagWildwood what's your complaint?

Will someone lend me M25,000 for 15 days at 5%? ( duration, and rates negotiable)

@sohampatil How about I loan you 1000 for 15 days at 10%?

Will someone lend me M20,000 for 15 days at 3%?

bought Ṁ1 of NO

After New Year's you'll be able to get these rates. There is not enough money to bet all of 8800 markets down, so you should expect to pay like 6% minimum. And probably more like 8%.

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@Mira But some people still have uninvested Mana, and aren't going to put in the work of finding all those markets, and getting an easy 2.5% (really it's 3% if you also bet this market to YES) seems pretty good in those cases