Mike Duncan is going to do more seasons of the Revolutions podcast (announcement at the beginning of this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxH0jk5ri8I).
I've added all the obvious ones and traders are free to add others. Each question resolves YES upon the release of the first episode of the podcast season (needs to be episode XX.1 such as episode 10.1 https://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/revolutions_podcast/2019/05/101-the-international-working-mens-association.html, NOT upon any other announcement/teaser).
Resolves NO arbitrarily 10 years from now on January 1st 2035. The original seasons took 9 years and we have the rest of the year to finish up with The Martian Revolution so I think it's a reasonable end date. Feel free to argue with me in the comments.