(I'm Aaron Silverbook, the toothsman.)
We've been dating since July 2022. I used to think I was aromantic but I no longer think that. And fellas, I do find myself feeling matrimonial towards this girl.
And, I thought, y'know, this is a big decision, on the order of buying a house; I should at least take it seriously. And what better way to take it seriously than asking strangers to evaluate our relationship with a ruthless eye towards their personal financial gain?
(But unironically.)
I'm available to answer questions in the comments, unless they're too personal, or I forget.
🏅 Top traders
# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ2,454 | |
2 | Ṁ896 | |
3 | Ṁ540 | |
4 | Ṁ141 | |
5 | Ṁ79 |
-Uhhhh sometimes people talk about a butterfly-feeling in their chest, a tingle of excitement, a frisson of limerance, a romantic filter in which all of their thoughts about a person are tinged with little hearts and they temporarily set aside their pessimism about how most relationships fail, and their cynical certainty that all human relationships are foundationally transactional. I mostly never had that, until I met her, which I know is a dumb sappy sentence but here we are.
-It was pretty comparable posture but in 2021 I was so bored I did Alexander Technique and now my posture is better, at least, than that silhouette above
-Go into business together; maybe? We have very different intuitions about when it is correct to cross the t's and dot the i's versus Move Fast And Break Things. I tend towards MFaBT, uh, 90+% of the time. But I also ask her for help on writing e.g. marketing emails, or other tasks which benefit from, y'know, professionalism.
-I don't quite want kids—raising children seems like a nightmare—though if in some improbable timeline we aren't liquefied into paperclips and I suddenly find myself aged 70, I think I would be sad to not have kids then. Though I have a lot of biokids through sperm donation and maybe that'd suffice.
M34/F31, I run Lantern Bioworks and she's a senior recruiter at Anthropic. We don't really have religious beliefs. We're both neutral-ish on kids, though she's more neutral-positive and I'm more neutral-negative. I'm amenable to having kids if we can aim a massive firehose of money at the Childcare problem like Holden and Daniela do.
@RobertMushkatblat We have indeed discussed it, both of us are tracking it as a possibility, and I would share she and I's respective probabilities but I worry that datum would drown out all other market signal
I will say that she and I's respective probabilities on this are about 5% apart from one another