How many days until Manifold iOS app supports Dark Mode?
Will resolve to the number reported here: Days since 2023 August 1 - Wolfram|Alpha
On the day I open the Manifold iOS app and notice it respecting systemwide Dark Mode.
If this feature never ships, the question will resolve to 1000 on Tue, 28 Apr 2026.
Insider trading welcome, and while you're here dear Manifold engineer, I hope this resource is helpful 💛 Dark Mode | Apple Developer Documentation
For what it's worth:
I will not be competing in this market myself
I use this app daily
I have automatic updates enabled
If I can be convinced this feature has shipped but it's not available on my device for whatever reason, I'll resolve it on that day.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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