Will the vast majority of internal and external Manifold meeting notes be public on April 14 2023?
resolved Apr 15

We currently publish all our meeting notes on Notion publicly. Will we keep doing this?

Edit: This question is mostly about meetings we have with external individuals. (I think internal meeting notes are likely to stay public!)

If those external meeting notes are more often kept private than they are today, then this resolves NO.

Oct 15, 12:26am: Will all Manifold meeting notes be public on April 14 2023? → Will the vast majority of internal and external Manifold meeting notes be public on April 14 2023?

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bought Ṁ50 of YES

Personally I really enjoy reading your daily standups, I do it most days when I get on Manifold. Hope you continue!

predicted NO

@SneakySly I think it's likely that our internal meetings would mostly stay public!

Mostly this is about external meetings, and it's reasonable that most such meetings shouldn't be public by default.

bought Ṁ32 of YES

I'm assuming "all" doesn't actually mean "all", eg we have 1:1 meeting notes and certain client meeting notes that we don't publish on our main calendar; but rather something like "90% of meetings" or "public by default"

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@Austin Yeah, I suppose it means all the kinds we currently do publicly.

predicted NO

@Austin Updated the question! Thanks for the feedback.

Will all Manifold meeting notes be public on April 14 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition