Would Mary from Mary's Room have a new experience upon seeing color for the first time?


Resolves once someone performs the following experiement:

A human is raised from birth never seeing color, experiencing the world in shades of grey only. This could be implimented by having a color filter over her eyes, or by modifying her retna or optical nerve to discard all color information. (But not by anything that changes deeper parts of her brain.)

She learns deeply about color and how the brain instantiates qualia, such that she can look at a brain scan and tell what color that person is experiencing. (This is a level of knowledge no 2023 human has, due to our poor understanding of the brain. She needs to understand it well enough to design a being that experiences color qualia.) She's then allowed to see color for the first time, and asked whether she feels like she's had a new experience. (If it seems likely that she's lying, that answer will be ignored.)

The subject does not have to be named Mary.

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