Will I discover the identity of my secret admirer?
resolved Jul 18

I just recieved this message on my admonymous page:

Mysterious! Will I find out who this was from?

If I haven't found out by the end of June 2023, I'll resolve this to NO.

(Must be a real identity; a pseudonymous Manifold account taking responsibilty won't count.)

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@IsaacKing is it time to resolve this?

sold Ṁ10 of YES

it probably wasn't Marcus Abramovitch

Where have you posted the link to this page? Other than this market of course. Is it Facebook? Tinder?

predicted NO

@Chad Nowhere.

bought Ṁ65 of NO

No news yet. I haven't posted any more pictures of myself, so perhaps that was my fault...

If it was me, how can I prove it was me?

@Yev I think I trust you to be honest about things like that.

@IsaacKing Well, then I'll honestly say it wasn't me. Although if that's you on your avatar, then I agree with your secret admirer :3

@Yev That is me from about 10 years ago. I wonder if I post a new picture whether I'll get a retraction.

@IsaacKing Want to make a market about it? 😏

Will I discover the identity of my secret admirer?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition