If this market is at 99.9%, it resolves YES. Otherwise it resolves N/A.
resolved Dec 11

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predicted YES

We need what, like, M$80000 on YES to get this to resolve YES?

predicted YES

@AndrewG apparently the creator took a break from manifold per their about me, someone has to contact them on discord rofl lol

predicted YES

@Kilmor Not sure about this. Isaac's about me had this contingency plan when he was very active on the site -- he was perhaps more careful than most in this regard. I bet if we wait a week or so he'll show up and resolve this on his own.

predicted YES

There's no way to ever profit from buying NO on this market.

predicted YES

@a There has been some profit buying and selling NO.

predicted YES

hmmm, if you bought low and sold high AND the market resolved YES because someone bought it up to 99.9% then you could make a profit, but if it gets resolved N/A (which gets more likely the more NO is bought) the profits will go away

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Profits from sales get clawed back if N/A ?

predicted YES

@TANSTAAFL I believe so yeah

predicted YES

@a If not it would be exploitable for free mana, i think

@TANSTAAFL Yes. All gains and losses are cancelled if it is resolved N/A. Fees incurred however are not refunded.

Everyone gets what they invested back, minus the fees incurred.

bought Ṁ6,000 of YES

you're welcome everyone

If this market is at 99.9%, it resolves YES. Otherwise it resolves N/A., 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition