Will I hand out the full M50 bounty for spaced repetition app?
resolved Jul 12

I added the (for now) latest bounty at Q&A section of Manifold. See the question below.

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App/website for spaced repetition within teams?

Hi guys! Since I know you’re all a bunch of spaced repetition nerds :heart: …

Our team is considering ways of learning key figures together, and are now looking for tools that would satisfy that need.


Spaced repetition functionality

Gives you the questions you find harder more often

Continuous reminders when you haven’t practiced for a while

Syncs externally (e.g. fetches updated numbers from a spreadsheet)

Easy to bulk upload questions

Some leaderboard/tracker showing what other team members are up to

I’ve looked at a few tools, Anki, Brainscape, EdApp but don’t feel they’re quite perfect.

This Slackbot integration seemed promising, but seems to not work when I want to try it out.


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No answers on the bounty.

@ElliotDavies thanks for the efforts, I would have sent you some of the bounty but not all of it (because of unsatisfactory suggestions).

I'm actually building something kinda like this, will reply back when it's actually live


@ElliotDavies just the first thing that comes up when i Google: Facebook

https://m.facebook.com › ... › Videos

Learn how Spaced Repetition can improve your team's performance by delivering ...

@ElliotDavies sorry heres a better link: https://fb.watch/lzVhw7jWIq/

There are no widely recognized spaced repetition applications designed specifically for team usage. Most of the existing spaced repetition apps, like Anki, Quizlet, SuperMemo, and others, are primarily designed for individual learning.

However, many of these apps allow for sharing of card decks, which can be useful in a team setting where members want to learn the same content. Additionally, there are Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Moodle or Canvas that allow for group learning and could potentially be adapted for spaced repetition through the use of quizzes or other mechanisms.

Gpt 4-