On which data will UK prime ministers Rishi Sunak resign as leader of the conservative party?
resolved Jul 5
July 5th 2024
July 4th 2024
July 6th 2024
July 6th

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Confirmed that he would resign as Conservative leader, though only when arrangements were in place to choose his successor.

has he formally resigned yet?

Yeah, I actually don't think he has resigned as leader yet

Not sure it is totally clear. Said "Not immediately" and that he would (i.e. in future) but this might mean
1 Resign now to step down when leader is elected rather than stepping down immediately.
2. Wait for leadership election preparations to be ready then resign then contest starts.

1 Should be enough to resolve the market as has been done.
2. Might be a little borderline but probably not enough to resolve yet, assuming there is later information on when he does actually resign. If such info does not come to light then may have to use 5 July date?

Would you be happy for a mod to unresolve or reopen it, or do you think your resolution is correct?

How could we test if (1) is true in the short term?

"To kickstart the formal process of choosing a leader, Conservative MPs must first elect a new chair and executive of the 1922 Committee, which represents Tory backbenchers."

Hmm., Kickstart may not be a requirement before the resignation and I doubt this prevents a formal resignation being submitted. It is possible that arrangements for election rules cannot be formalised until the resignation is received, but perhaps they can be informally arranged and then formally be put in place after the resignation is formally submitted.

So it might be hard to tell whether arrangements for election are being made following a formal resignation or just in anticipation that one will be forthcoming shortly.

However the suggestion of as late as Christmas being possible may well indicate the resignation has not yet been formally submitted.

"“If you wait until party conference or even Christmas, the problem is ..."

I would suspect that if formally submitted then there would have to be contest to complete within 3 months, but not sure about this. Does anyone know if there is a deadline for election after resignation submitted?